Our human nature is filled with the need to stay ahead and win. You see this in sports, business and education, among others. Some years ago was the Vice Presidential candidate debate for the United States between Tim Kaine and Mike Pence. It was clear that one of the candidates was very intent in not only winning the debate but to be rude and speak while the other candidate is making his presentation. This situation of incivility and arrogance is not new since the people of Israel seemed to have practiced it as well in ancient times.
Amos 8:4
Hear this, you who swallow up the needy, And make the poor of the land fail.
The chapter says more but you get the idea. What does God promise? He will bring destruction where people will lose everything. What you thought you will be gaining is lost and much more. What is the lesson here? Instead of looking out for gain, look out for how you can give. When you produce something to sell, think about how you can give before what you can gain. If you give well, you will gain well too. I am reminded of an old quote by a famous missionary, Jim Elliott. He said, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose."
Father, help me to give well.
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