Cause and effect is the logical approach to analyzing any event, whether in general science, social science, political science, or business. For every effect there is usually a cause that can be discovered and studied. Here in this chapter, Israel is being told there is a cause that created their dire situation but yet they are not seeing it.
Amos 3:3-5
Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? Will a lion roar in the forest, when he has no prey? Will a young lion cry out of his den, if he has caught nothing? Will a bird fall into a snare on the earth, where there is no trap for it? Will a snare spring up from the earth, if it has caught nothing at all?
What is wrong with these people? In spite of the prophets telling them so, they continue to indulge in the worship of other gods resulting in their separation from God and many defeats both from their enemies and the elements.
The same may be true for us. I said this before, "insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result". We should discover the cause of the bad situation or experience and remove it. If something takes us away from our God, remove its influence. It could be other gods (like Israel), your work, or something else. Time to get right with God.
Father, I want to stay right with You. Help me see the bad causes and remove them.
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