Just as I mentioned about political leaders who make decisions that are popular, they also subvert justice for their benefit. This is so that the small few who are rich and can contribute to their well being will continue to support them financially and with strong voice. It is only humanly natural. In the flesh this is a great weakness. The leaders of Israel were no different and so were admonished for that.
Amos 5:15
Hate evil, love good; Establish justice in the gate. It may be that the Lord God of hosts Will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.
But there was no change with the people of Israel. Evil prevailed and God's judgement came as is recorded in history. In today's circumstances you see the same repeated and it appears that we are going downhill all the way. God is sovereign and He is all knowing. He saw the current calamities coming. He yearns for us to return to Him so that we can be receive the love, joy and peace that He has promised.
Father, let me not be a man pleaser but a God pleaser.
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