In most countries, agriculture is the base load of the economy. If that part of the economy breaks, there is a complete breakdown of everything else. In countries where land is scarce, they would have secured supplies from neighboring nations. A lack of food will lead to economic disaster. One way this has happened is when locusts and fire devoured the land of the people of Israel according to the prophet Joel. It has also happened in modern times.
Joel 1:4
What the chewing locust left, the swarming locust has eaten; What the swarming locust left, the crawling locust has eaten; And what the crawling locust left, the consuming locust has eaten.
Joel 1:19-20
O LORD, to You I cry out; For fire has devoured the open pastures, And a flame has burned all the trees of the field. The beasts of the field also cry out to You, For the water brooks are dried up, And fire has devoured the open pastures.
However, something else caught my eye as I read this first chapter of Joel.
Joel 1:3
Tell your children about it,
Let your children tell their children,
And their children another generation.
That is 3 generations of children. If you include yourself, 4 generations. 2 Timothy 2:2 also implies 4 generations. I want to conclude that we will need to "get her done" in 4 generations. The strategy is simple. We need to build a multi-generation faith and see God touch the whole world. Otherwise, disaster will strike.
Father, let me speak into the next 3 generations well. I do not know how, but give me the grace and privilege to do it before the world is destroyed.
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