If you are human your needs are the same worldwide. Relationship needs are the greatest need. If you do not find in your family, you will look for it elsewhere. This can be risky. Many enter gangs early in life and get into vices that destroys them and many generations after them. I am observing this in many countries, including developed countries like the United States and New Zealand, and Muslim countries where the family structure is very fluid with divorce and absent fathers. Eventually it leads to a breakdown of the country.
Isaiah 14:12
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
3 nations are mentioned in this chapter as having judgement made against them. In today's continuing state of events we see these things happening. Continued calamity and destruction of these nations covering roughly the same geographical areas. Iraq, Syria and Palestine. There are others named later in this book but these are the first 3. The same place Satan is going is labeled as the place for the rulers of these nations. God wants all to be saved. My prayer is that the message of the gospel will get to them fast before they self destruct. God certainly has a better plan than anything these nations are planning.
While this is happening the faithful rest. The Lord is certainly our protector and He will redeem is at the end of human time. The suffering and humiliation today is nothing compared to the eternal presence and fellowship with God.
Father, we pray mercy over the peoples of these nations. Speak salvation to them in whatever way possible.
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