When you are going to move to a new place you will need to find a place to stay. It can be stressful to keep looking and not find an appropriate home. We had such an experience 9 years ago. By God's grace everything worked out well within 1 week so that we could move out of our temporary accommodations and go to a place we could call home. The people of Israel probably experienced the same thing.
1 Chronicles 9:2, And the first inhabitants who dwelt in their possessions in their cities were Israelites, priests, Levites, and the Nethinim.
As they started to move back to Jerusalem they must have had a stressful time finding suitable accommodation. The hardship was probably great. But in the process they found their permanent home after 70 years of captivity in Babylon.
Yes, there is hardship in moving. When you forsee this hardship, you do not want to move. But when God says move you move, go through temporary hardship and settle down for God's new blessings in a new place.
Father, let me be able to say with confidence, "my home is where God wants me to be".
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