When you are in business you always find ways to pursue your customers. In business to business type businesses building a network of business contacts is very important. You look for ways to connect with the right customers. The gestation period for this can be long. Wouldn't it be great if your customers came looking for you? That is what happened to Elisha.
2 Kings 5:9, Then Naaman went with his horses and chariot, and he stood at the door of Elisha’s house.
Elisha’s reputation spread by word of mouth. Naaman is a Syrian. His servant from Israel tells his wife that there is a prophet in Israel that can help Naaman's leprosy. Elisha did not have to go looking for Naaman. Naaman came looking for him.
What kind of reputation do you have? Do people seek you out? Are they seeking you out for answers to life's questions? God is looking for men and women that would carry His reputation into the world. The world is looking for answers, and they should find it in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Father, let many wait at my doorstep because I have a God sized reputation. Use me as your channel of blessing.
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