I just did a visioning exercise with 62 people yesterday. Their plans and ideas drive much of what they decide to envision for themselves. Ultimately it is how they hear God's purpose for their lives. Their vision can however move away from God's unique purpose for each of them. Likewise, in ancient times.
2 Kings 8:11, Then he set his countenance in a stare until he was ashamed; and the man of God wept.
Elisha had a reputation that brought at least two leaders from the kingdom of Syria to see him. One was for healing leprosy. The other was healing from a life threatening sickness. However, while meeting Hazael from the courts of the Syrian King, Elisha saw that Hazael was going to lead Syria into a terrible war against Israel. God's original purpose was to bless Israel. But their sin and unrighteousness took them away from God's purpose for their lives. This lead to dire consequences for them.
Father, I will seek first your kingdom and your righteousness. Fulfill your purposes in my life.
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