When I was growing up as a Hindu we used to use coconut oil to wash ourselves in preparation for a special day. The day was started with prayers and then there was some special meal together. The significance of the oil in Hindu culture is great. It was likely carried across from Jewish ideas, including the structure of the Hindu temple. In this chapter Jehu is anointed king with oil by one of the prophet's son.
2 Kings 9:6, Then he arose and went into the house. And he poured the oil on his head, and said to him, “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘I have anointed you king over the people of the Lord, over Israel.
Temple structure, oil, the color red, the ash rubbed on the head (and sometimes other parts of the body), the special ceremony at puberty, and many other experiences and practices point to one thing. God was revealed to the Hindus of India. Possibly by Thomas the apostle. This makes Hinduism a young faith.
In doing some cursory investigation, I find that God has revealed himself to all regions. The issue is whether they are following Jesus.
Father, help me find those bridges to share the gospel to all men. They need the Savior.
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