I am sure most of you have heard of the 2 women that had a child each, and how one of them lost her baby. She claimed the other child as her own and this matter was brought before Solomon. Solomon instructed that the baby be cut in half and shared. In the ensuing response the real mother was discovered. Where was this recorded? In the Bible. Where did Solomon get such wisdom? From God.
1 Kings 3:9, Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?”
This discourse between Solomon and God happened in a dream. Solomon was given the opportunity to ask something from God. Solomon asked for discernment. Solomon was a real person in history. He was renowned for his wisdom. At the end of his life he wrote some powerful advice based on his life experiences.
What would you have asked for if you were Solomon?
Father, I cannot do what I do without your wisdom, power and strength. Give the blessing of your wisdom, power and strength.
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