The beauty of a country having laws is that people feel very secure with predictability of accepted behavior. It would be difficult to live in a country with no laws. The nation of Israel was settled in the promised land with a God given law.
Deuteronomy 27:10, Therefore you shall obey the voice of the Lord your God, and observe His commandments and His statutes which I command you today.
As you read the chapter it clearly governs all relationships with God and fellow man, starting with the family. You can see the order of importance in getting things right.
Many in their death beds want to get things right, and usually the order is the same. But why wait till then? Get right now. The Heavenly Father waits for us to get right with Him. Don't delay.
Father, like in ancient times with the people of Israel, I commit to have no other gods but You. Amen!
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