Sarawak is a large state in Malaysia that is situated in the Borneo Island shared with Sabah, another Malaysian state, and Indonesia (Kalimantan). I have heard of stories where the people of the land in certain areas lighted lamps fed with fuel from the ground. They would use bamboo sticks. Plunge them in the ground and light the gas that came out on the open end. The same, I believe, is being mentioned here.
Deuteronomy 33:19, They shall call the peoples to the mountain; There they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness; For they shall partake of the abundance of the season. And of treasures hidden in the sand.
Treasures hidden in the sand. Not only were the people of Israel to ensure the fruits of agriculture, but the treasures in the sand. Of course, this included iron and bronze, but I believe it included oil and gas. What treasures are hidden in the sand for you by God? Never underestimate God's provision. He owns cattle on a thousand hills. Psalm 50:10. Let him surprise you.
Father, I know I will have no lack if I abide in you.
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