When you have a lot of time on your hands you tend to think about the worst. You are doodling in your mind for no one's benefit. You worry and you may even "infect" the person next to you. One of the greatest thing you can do in times of idleness is to read good books (notice I said "good" books) that enhance and increase your knowledge and learning for you to be able to do something better. What is the purpose of learning? It is to increase your capacity to ACT! Go read a book. The best book to read is the life giving manuscript called The Bible. Have you read it?
Ezekiel 46:17-18
But if he gives a gift of some of his inheritance to one of his servants, it shall be his until the year of liberty, after which it shall return to the prince. But his inheritance shall belong to his sons; it shall become theirs. Moreover the prince shall not take any of the people’s inheritance by evicting them from their property; he shall provide an inheritance for his sons from his own property, so that none of My people may be scattered from his property.
As Ezekiel shares about the detailed proceedings that need to take place in the temple, he also mentions about God's approach to property inheritance. What is allotted to a family always remains as an inheritance of the family. If anything is given away (leased out in modern day terms), it is always returned in the year of jubilee or liberty, which happens every 50 years. This is a very interesting approach and universal requirement in relation to property ownership. There are further details about how this works in the old testament and makes great sense.
Again, I am amazed at how much the bible has to say about our daily affairs. It shows us how we can live in accordance with His principles and prosper. We all have made mistakes and so have I. These daily reads helps me correct my life directions and stay on course with the Lord. I know that is the best plan for me. As I have said it before, this is the textbook of life. Have you read it?
Father, thank you for giving us Your Word to help us through matters of life.
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