40 years is a long time. I still remember when I had crossed the 40 year mark there were some significant new developments in my life carrying me to the next season of my life. You can say that I was moving to unknown territories with only God as your guide. Samson's parents probably felt the same way.
Judges 13:24, So the woman bore a son and called his name Samson; and the child grew, and the Lord blessed him.
The entire chapter is devoted to how the Angel of the Lord reveals the plan for a barren women to have a child, and how he is to be raised. He appears twice and the whole process was probably foreign to Samson's parents because Israel had done evil and the Philistines ruled them for 40 years. It is amazing how God can have so much mercy and return to His people to give them another chance. The likely scenario was that the barren woman was crying out to God for her need, and He answered.
Father, I know you are a God of many chances if we would humble ourselves.
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