A partner in the ministry was picked to be a juror in a trial yesterday and has to take at least the entire week off with very little compensation to listen to a trial and give a verdict. The biggest need in these things is fair justice. Joshua carried out God's instructions for sanctuary cities or cities of refuge.
Joshua 20:9, These were the cities appointed for all the children of Israel and for the stranger who dwelt among them, that whoever killed a person accidentally might flee there, and not die by the hand of the avenger of blood until he stood before the congregation.
Don't mistake these for the American sanctuary cities that only want to harbor illegal immigrants and not bring them to justice. Here there is an opportunity for justice to be served before a blood for blood revenge is taken. The person has to go through judgment before he can either be released from protection or kept confined in the city. Fair justice has opportunity here.
Praise God that He looks into everything. He is after all a just God! Father, the more I know you the greater my admiration and love for You. I love you God!
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