It is always easy to find fault with someone. But it is harder to see mistakes in our own lives. The simple example is food stuck in the corners of our mouth. In anticipation that something is stuck there, we use a napkin to wipe our mouth every so often during a meal. Otherwise, someone may have to point it out to you. Other issues or mistakes can be a lot bigger and more sensitive for another person to point out. Paul was in such a predicament with the Corinthians.
Paul closes his letter with a general open statement encouraging the people to check themselves, even if they do not accept his words of correction. Basically "get your napkin out".
Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.
In a way, this is still a strong statement, but Paul had no choice but to bring this church back to the right understanding. It is not easy as egos and strong opinions could be in the way of the correction. I have seen this operate in many different ways in different groups. We need to stay above reproach and help others do the same. Leadership is never easy. Doing character correction is the hardest.
Father, help me do right personally, and do right in every situation that I face as a leader.
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