Everyone has the same potential for success. It is a matter of the conditions in which you grow up in and what you do within the those conditions. I would parallel it to the work of two farmers. Both have fields next to each other, but there is a stark difference between the two, One is overgrown with bush and weeds yielding no return, while the other has neat rows of crop that is growing well to eventually yield great profit. One farmer did not work the land, perhaps lazy. The other was hardworking and determined to do the right things at the right time.
Ezekiel 15:8
Thus I will make the land desolate, because they have persisted in unfaithfulness,’ says the Lord God.
In this chapter a parallel is drawn with the wood of the vine. It is not useful for anything except for the fire. It cannot be formed into anything useful. These are the harsh comparisons God is making with the people of Israel. Their land was to be desolate because of their faithless pursuit of other gods. They had every reason from history to stay faithful to the Lord but they pursued other gods. In the same way the people of other beliefs who blindly express their faith. Some with violence and aggression. Some with no regard to their historical engagement with God like the people of Israel who rejected God. No human rational. Can only be explained with spiritual rationale. A combination of satanic influence and human greed is the only explanation.
Father, I want to move under your wisdom and strength always. Let not Satan come and influence my walk and take life away. Equip me with your full armor.
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