Something good is sometimes ignored for something less good, or even something harmful. There is a temptation to use or consume something that we know is not helping us in the long run. But we do it anyhow because of some immediate "good". Example, my liking for chocolates and anything sweet. I can go through an entire packet of M&M's in one sitting, no matter how big. Argh! Thankfully I know my weakness and I do not buy large packets of this stuff any more. And yes, do not give me chocolates as a gift. However, Israel could not stop something that was harmful to them.
Ezekiel 12:28
Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “None of My words will be postponed any more, but the word which I speak will be done,” says the Lord God.’
There is a time after much reminder that God had to carry out the judgement proclaimed. In the past kings have repented. Even whole nations. But here, even in the midst of great anxiety and turmoil the leaders of Judah were not turning back to God. It is certainly baffling to see how blind or stubborn they were. Ezekiel did an interesting illustration where he gathered his possessions, and probably his family, and proceeded to dig a hole in the wall to go into captivity. Even then nobody cared. Yes, judgement is coming.
How long are you going to keep God waiting and maintain a harmful dissociation with God? Do not delay. Give your heart to him. He wants to give you love, joy and peace that comes from His Love and Power. I did that when I was 14 and the journey with Him has been incredible. You can say the prayer at the end of the link given here (click here).
Father, I appeal for your Holy Spirit to touch every heart reading this post.
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