Ever experienced an out of this world experience. Ezekiel, a priest of Israel, got that and starts to record that in his disposition. He was describing things that were out of this world using elements that he is familiar with from his world. What they actually were we may never know. Someone seeing them today will describe them in today's language as UFOs. The wheels parallel flying saucers? But before we all jump to conclusions or everyone jumps on me for drawing these parallels, the fascination here is truly Godly.
Ezekiel 1:28
Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. So when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of One speaking.
Are you ready for this? Get ready for an out of the world journey as I reflect on the revelations through this book. Ezekiel was blessed with a first hand encounter. I know I am going to be blessed through reflecting on this encounter as recounted by Ezekiel.
Father, I am looking forward to hearing from You.
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