Before I got married I grew up with bottles of water being kept in the fridge to provide an unending flow of refreshing drink each day. You get used to cold water and it becomes a habit to only drink cold drinks. Things changed when I got married. No more cold water in the fridge and only room temperature water made from boiled and naturally cooled water. It was hard to break from old habits, but when it is served by a woman you love much, you comply and eventually it becomes a habit, and you love it too. A habit that I continue to this day and it has served me well. On occasion I still take some cold drinks. :)
Jeremiah 44:30
"Thus says the Lord: ‘Behold, I will give Pharaoh Hophra king of Egypt into the hand of his enemies and into the hand of those who seek his life, as I gave Zedekiah king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, his enemy who sought his life.’"
What an unthinkable outcome. Truly a historical moment for the world to see Egypt subjected to another kingdom. So blame the Jews? The "Queen of Heaven" is referred to as the god that the Jews were worshiping. Jeremiah speaks against the people of Israel for this. Even though they were exiled to Egypt, the people did not learn from their mistakes. They continued in this practice of worshiping the "Queen of Heaven". As a result, calamity followed them to Egypt and the host country suffered as well. Old habits die hard, and you suffer with them.
Father, help me to understand clearly your ways and not be fooled by Satan about various matters. I must brake old habits that are against you. Show me God.
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