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Showing posts from July, 2019

I am on the straight and narrow

Proverbs 23 is advice for people who do get into the high life.  In my journey through the corporate ladder I have had many fine meals and because I enjoy food I do not have a problem consuming anything offered.  But the advice is clear.  Do not be taken in with the offers.  Verse 3 says, "Do not desire his delicacies, For they are deceptive food".  This is wonderfully and courageously direct.  Yes, we must watch ourselves and our waistlines.  All good advice to ensure we stay correct with the Lord.  Otherwise, we may enter into unwritten obligations that cannot be fulfilled.  This can affect the rest of your life.  Not good when you want to maintain a good testimony for Him. The rest of the chapter deals with the same high life environment but deviates to matters of the child and the need for physical consequences if there is disobedience.  All good if done in love.  Those who have attended my Character First Family semina...

Start right and finish strong

Lee Yen and I are very fond of our children.  I will never forget the experience of holding Sharmaine for the first time when she was born.  I was alone in a waiting room with her while they did some post-delivery routines with Lee Yen.  It was an emotional time as I prayed over her.  It was the same with all our other children.  I pray daily for them.  Lee Yen and I are not perfect parents, but we do what we can.  We believe God has them in His hands.  They are richly blessed by His ever abiding presence in their lives.  We truly believe on this verse. Proverbs 22:6, Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22  has many verses that I quote for my Character First training and times of sharing.  But today, I am going to look more deeply at verses that I have not often used. Verse 2 says, "The rich and the poor have this in common, The Lord is the maker of them...

Your heart is being read

Whenever someone does anything we are always questioning their true motive.  We do not trust the seen actions, emotions and words spoken.  Why is he doing this?  Does he want something in return? We may never get a straight answer when we ask these questions.  However, there is a person who knows.  Yes, God knows our inner thoughts and desires that our ways would get right. Proverbs 21:2 A person may think their own ways are right,     but the Lord weighs the heart. We see another attribute of God here.  Proverbs 21:31 says, "The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord." Truly as people seeking for good things to happen we make plans for victory. We make every effort to ensure success. But can we predict the future? Can we control what the competition is going to do. What about the many other things that we do not control. Yes, the horse, the equipment, the people are made ready for the day of ba...

I am counter culture

In the world today you are encouraged to speak up and make a case for things that are done unjustly, or incorrectly. It is fair to speak up if we follow the principles of Matthew 18:15-17 .  However, too many times we get into heated discussions and speak "about the person" rather than "to the person".  Proverbs highlights this unacceptable behavior.  In fact it says that you bring honor to yourself by avoiding strife.  Meet the person one on one in love, with a genuine interest in their well being. Proverbs 20:3 It is to one’s honor to avoid strife,     but every fool is quick to quarrel. Proverbs 20:7 says, "The righteous who walks in his integrity - blessed are his children after him!".  Fathers, our walk brings blessings upon our children.  Why withhold that blessing by doing wicked and unwise things.  We cannot be fools.  This seems logical but much short term view goes into our actions, words and attitudes thereby harming our...

There are no shortcuts

In my years in corporate life I have seen how people seek favor from those in power.  I have not seen it personally, but business promoters would also provide ways to involve those in positions of influence to "participate" in projects or businesses.  I am thankful that many knew my stand on corruption.  These issues are not new.  The writer of the book of Proverbs experienced it and shares wisdom on this. Proverbs 19:6 Many curry favor with a ruler,     and everyone is the friend of one who gives gifts. Proverbs 19  speaks of a young person, a fool, a lair, a son and a lazy person.  Whatever your goal in life, do right to achieve those goals.  Pursue them with both eyes open.  Consider the approaches before taking the first steps. The writer keeps giving instruction to be generous , and truly God is no debtor.  He will repay what is given, as though you had lent to the Lord. Again, I am reminded that there are many who are ...

Seek to understand before seeking to be understood

I have been discussions with individuals in the past where they do not listen.  They speak first and never listen.  They have no interest in coming to an understanding by listening to your presentation.  It is obviously wise to first seek to understand before seeking to be understood.  Our mouths (and hearts) get in the way of new understanding.  This is the biggest mistake any leader can make. His or her junior and customer facing staff are collecting information everyday. If we do not listen to them and seek to understand, we and the organization will fail. Proverbs 18:2 Fools find no pleasure in understanding     but delight in airing their own opinions. Proverbs 18 almost sounds like an old wise man sitting by a veranda giving all kinds of advice to his grandson. Don't get me wrong. I mean this in a good way. Yes, all granddads should do this. In fact, fathers especially should do this. Cannot wait. Verse 12 says "Before destructio...

It is not a contract, it is a covenant

Have you signed a contract before?  Lawyers always insert a termination clause because they believe that nothing is permanent and a legal document should allow for this.  Some relationships are very complex and so the termination clauses can be elaborate, complex and lengthy to provide clarity in the event of separation.  When we sign the contract we do it with smiles and celebration.  When we terminate it, we do it with lawyers. Proverbs 17:14 Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam;     so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out. Proverbs 17 speaks of many things in the human relationship. Doing what is right is truly cool when God is in the center of it. It seems so difficult when society supports corruption, divorce, unfaithfulness and excuses for anger and fighting. Just look at the newspapers today and you will find it all. It is a mess. Today, make God the center. This is an urging for me as well. Think right. Speak right. Thi...

Doing right is natural

Daily we are driven to get things right around us.  We want to do things right because it is the right thing to do.  However, we have unnaturally been tempted to do the opposite.  This is a moment by moment battle within us.  Ill thoughts.  Self serving thoughts.  Thinking of the bad before the good in every situation or interaction.  We seem to be caught up with the opposite of what we know is right. Proverbs 16  continues to emphasize the importance of wisdom and Godly character.  Extra emphasis is added on how this plays out in our speech. Verse 12: "It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness, For a throne is established by righteousness" is clear about the responsibility of those in leadership. They must operate in God's ways lest they be cursed.  And kings enjoy those who speak right; verse 13: "Righteous lips are the delight of kings, And they love him who speaks what is right." Verse 23-24: "The heart of the wise te...

Contentment is in a loving relationship

There is a constant debate about which came first.  Corruption or poor economic performance.  Irrespective of what you may believe, and without saying which came first, corruption does lead to poorer economic performance for a country.  Leaders of countries are fully accountable for not playing a strong part in eliminating corruption.  The problem is that many of these leaders depend on financial resources from corruption to stay in power.  But, we know it is not sustainable. Proverbs 15:27 The greedy bring ruin to their households,     but the one who hates bribes will live. Verse 16 in this chapter says, better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with trouble. Verse 17 further adds, better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted calf with hatred. There are many truths in this chapter but these verses speak to me greatly. For me love, joy and peace are the most important before anything else, even mon...

Secret for long life

There are so many things that people take externally and internally to help them live long lives.  It is all for good intention, but is it the right way?  Even if it is the right way, why do you want to live a long life when you might not enjoy being around. As for me, I am clear that I am praying for long life to be able to contribute towards ending Gospel poverty. Proverbs 14:27 The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life,     turning a person from the snares of death. We have the secret to long life? No, I think we have the secret to eternal life. Many wise and different advice in Proverbs 14. All centered around what is not right and what is right, and the consequences. The writer of proverbs is clear about the need to do what is right so that we will be blessed with life. This chapter continues to elaborate on how the wisdom we have in God translates to life.  The converse is death. Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that appears to be right, ...

Speak and do well, and it will go well with you

It is so easy to get into a conversation that speaks badly about someone that is "not in the room".  I have fallen into that trap many times.  I need to shut up and think through the issue and deal with the person directly. Nothing serves everyone better than to resolve matters directly with the party or parties concerned. Proverbs 13:3 Those who guard their lips preserve their lives,     but those who speak rashly will come to ruin. This chapter is full of great advise for us.  The righteous will clearly be wise since they walk in the fear of the Lord. That wisdom will show them what to say in different circumstances. It will also guide them in the daily affairs of their lives. Hence, their ways are the ways of the Lord.  But the wicked, because of their separation from God, are considered fools. They oppose God and speak against Godly ways. Verse 22, is a hard verse but a good one to follow if we are wise. A good man leaves an inheritance...

I am going to be a good CAUSE

I am sure you believe in the law of cause and effect.  For every effect there is a cause.  There is also the law of entropy.  All things tend to disorder.  These are my favorite ideas to be discussed when talking about the creation of the world and the need for someone external to the system to make it all happen.  But bringing it down to earth, we need "good effect".  For that to happen we need to be the "good cause". Proverbs 12:11 Those who work their land will have abundant food,     but those who chase fantasies have no sense. There is a continued message of comparing and contrasting the righteous and the wicked in Proverbs 12. The chapter ends by saying that in the way of righteousness is life, and its pathway there is no death. That is the grim truth. There is another truth in this chapter, in verse 25. "Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad. Indeed with all the pressures around us tod...

I have a great cleaning agent

Oil and water do not mix, but they co-exist.  This is something we learnt early in our Science curriculum from school.  Oil can only be broken with a good cleaning agent like soap, and so we apply that knowledge to our daily lives to help clean ourselves, and other matters.  The book of Proverbs continuously provides the contrasts between good and bad like water and oil.  They do not mix and you need something (or someone) to remove the "oil". Proverbs 11:6 The righteousness of the upright delivers them,     but the unfaithful are trapped by evil desires. The discourse over righteous and wicked individuals continues in this chapter. Starts with an element of business, the weighing scale. You can choose to either operate with integrity or be dishonestly shrewd (as opposed to just shrewd and not using lies and trickery). There are repercussions for this evil and it points to death. Verse 19 says "As righteousness leads to life, so he who pursues ...

Choose to stay busy for good

I lived in Toronto for almost 7 years and found an interesting phenomena that many of my readers would be familiar with.  Church attendance and giving goes down in the summer because many decide to travel, or even just stay home and enjoy the warm weather.  The programs of the church are also reduced and people take things a little laid back.  I am not meaning to judge things and I am sure there are practical reasons for my observation, but this verse in Proverbs tells me to do the opposite. Proverbs 10:5 He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son,     but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son. The ways of the wicked and the righteous are compared and contrasted. The numerous consequences are shared in this chapter. It should be obvious to the reader that having the righteousness of God is so blessed. Wickedness is sweet for the moment but it turns sour in time. Much is written to explain this. The blessings of righteousness starts ...

No retirement soon

I am grateful for the journey that my days as a management consultant took me through.  I was favored to work with a group of experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in developing consulting approaches to help build learning organizations.  It impacted the way we schooled our children and how I looked at adult learning.  Today I spend most of my days helping adults learn Godly matters and see transformation in their lives.  Proverbs 9:9 Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;     teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,     and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Fear and knowledge produces wisdom and understanding. Those who are simple will fall for temptation. The experience may be sweet but the consequences are dire. Hell is mentioned and truly that is the reality of being not wise and following after wickedness rather than God. ...

Choose Character first

What comes first?  Character or Performance Outcome?  You may be wondering what I am getting at.  I have seen many trying to get successful quickly without thinking about what it takes to have sustainable success.  Yes, you may have "success" but it is not sustainable.  True success is the result of great character.  It includes character traits or qualities like diligence, responsibility, endurance, creativity, patience and tolerance (especially if working in teams).  Character comes first!  I believe, as the writer of Proverbs says it, this focus on character helps us understand the need for Godly wisdom.  Focusing on silver and gold, or the performance outcome will not work.  Choose God's way and success will come. Proverbs 8:10-12 Choose my instruction instead of silver,     knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies,     and nothing you desire can compare with her. I...

Stay focused on what is right and do the next right thing

I will never forget, as an 18-year old walking back to my hotel in the streets of Waikiki, being approached by a woman asking if I would help do up her zipper.  In 1980 I was on my way back to Toronto after my summer vacation in Malaysia. My friends and I made a 3-day stopover in Hawaii.  I was walking back to my hotel alone because I had forgotten something.  But, I will never forget this experience of being approached by a prostitute. Proverbs 7:1 My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. Keep the commands of the Lord. Keep them close to your heart. Keep them written everywhere so that you do not forget. It is so easy to be caught in sin because it is enticing. So pleasurable. So inviting. Proverbs 7 goes on with good detail how a young man can be seduced into adultery and regret with his life. We cannot fall for this. We have the rest of our lives to live for His glory. The eyes on a man is the doorway to his heart. He must be careful what he...

Do not commit adultery

I sometimes have trouble following the instructions of others.  Especially written instructions.  We buy things and most items come with well thought out instructions combined with pictures, but I do not read them.  We love to "deep dive" into our new "toy".  Today's chapter in Proverbs is hard hitting and straightforward. Proverbs 6:32 Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; He who does so destroys his own soul. I have a a few thoughts being presented in Proverbs 6. Firstly, if you are in some form of guarantee or promissory situation for a friend, get out of it quick and with all the struggle you can put up. Don't be lazy. Be like the ant that is very industrious. Be careful about falling into the ways of wicked men. The characteristics of a wicked man are described well. There are 7 altogether. Finally, adultery and stealing are described together and truly it is the same. Don't do it! Much advice given at one go an...

Your eyes are wondering

Let us be truthful.  Our eyes have seen things that we ought not to see.  And, it is so easy to give a second glance or more.  Only when you have taken on God's perspective that you can see things from a spiritual perspective, and stop the influences that tempt us.  You cannot stop temptations, but you can stop its influence. Proverbs 5 is all about staying faithful to the wife of your youth. It goes to great detail about why being found with another woman is so wrong and you would only regret in the long run. It may seem like much pleasure at first but it will taste very bitter later. Avoid any possibility of being led astray to a relationship that can be seen by God even though it is in secret, and affect you forever.  Proverbs 5:18 Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice with the wife of your youth. One thing must be clear as I seek to do what is right. Set my eyes always on the Lord and His view of others then everything will be consistent...

Your blurred vision is going to become clear

In my younger days (no, they were not that long ago) I used to go on many hiking and camping trips.  I thoroughly enjoyed the outdoors.  When I first went camping you had waxed canvas tents which made A-shaped tents needing good drainage all around the tent.  If it was a heavy downpour be ready to have your drainage damaged and overflowing.  You also got everything wet, including important firewood to make a fire and cook your meals.  Yet, we did it over and over again because you loved the smell of the jungle, the water in the stream next to you, and the opportunity to just spent good times in personal reflection. This verse reminds me of that experience.  As I spend time in reflection the way forward becomes clearer. Proverbs 4:18 But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4 shows up the focus of the writer on educating his son in the way of Godly wisdom. There is life in wisdom ...

You do not control everything

There are many things about us that we do not control.  Yes, we can take every step possible to manage the risks, or mitigate them, but the fact remains.  We only control a minute portion of the future.  If you think about the future too much, you could get panic attacks and even clinical depression.  Many suffer from this unnecessarily. Proverbs 3  is one of the richest proverbs with so much great advice and instruction. Anyone reading this log should read the full chapter and capture for themselves all that God is intending for them. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Verses 5 and 6 are well memorized by many and has important elements to them. Trust and acknowledge. Two different elements with different calls to action. Trust is done in your heart and hidden from all. We have much understanding or knowledge of our o...

I found the best

Who are your advisers?  Who do you rely on for wise counsel?  Most times we turn to those closest to us, or we "self-process".  This could be wise, but we may be losing out on the best counsel. Proverbs 2:1-2 My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you, So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding; This chapter says to avoid wicked men and the wayward women. Both will lead you away from God and His blessings promised. This is the main thrust of the message in this chapter. We are so taken in by good words and good looks. Be careful. The chapter starts by talking about wisdom and knowledge from the Lord. Verse 8 says, "He guards the path of justice, and preserves the way of His saints". Beautiful promises from God and there is more in the chapter. The conclusion of the matter is that we cannot and should not yield ourselves to the wicked or the wayward woman. Life is full of choices. Daily...

Stress NO MORE

Stress is the number one reason for most illnesses, or the reason why we cannot recover quickly from an illness. Our security in the Lord however reduces this stress and perhaps eliminates it completely. I am thankful for good health and this has been a great testimony since I have very rarely taken a single day of medical leave the last more than 7 years. This can only be the Lord.  The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about this. A new book and new revelation. The great Solomon is acknowledged as the writer of this book. If only he kept to its wisdom he would have finished well. The emphasis on this chapter is all about not falling into the trap of being evil and wicked. Society may encourage us to do this, but our obedience to the Lord prevents us from making this mistake. Proverbs 1:33 But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil. Walk in the fear of the Lord and not be greedy and wicked. Father, I will walk in Your...

My greatest HERO is.....

Am I crazy if I shout Hallelujah in the car park of a busy commercial center?  It is weird because no one else is doing it.  And so, should I not do it?  I am only praising God in Hebrew.  I am acknowledging not only His presence in the car park, but I am shouting the praise that God deserves for the things He has done in my life.  Thankfully no one has stopped me doing it.  :) Psalm 150:1-2 Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! The last chapter of Psalm is really a Psalm of praise. Starts by showing where to praise and why to praise, and ends with how. Praise in the heavenlies and praise Him in the sanctuary. Praise Him for His deeds and praise Him for His greatness. Praise Him with wind, brass and percussion instruments. Also all living beings are to praise the Lord. If our lives are lived out this way, we wil...

Shout for JOY even if you appear mad

Do you celebrate noisily? I do!  People think I am mad.  Why? Because, I celebrate God's goodness without the need for a football match, or something "normal".  What is wrong with you?  I cannot help it when the God of the universe has intervened in some way in my life bringing me unspeakable joy.  Instead, He gives me SHOUTS of joy! The Psalmist urges the people of Israel to rejoice and praise the Lord for everything. Making loud noises is encouraged with all kinds of musical instruments and in every place, including on their beds. With that He will beautify the humble with salvation and He takes pleasure in these things. Psalm 149:4 For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation. While praising the Lord is encouraged, the Psalmist also says God is giving victory to the people of Israel against their enemies who have come against them in the past. I am a sinner saved by grace. I am like a beggar receiv...

Orderliness has a Great Example

Are you an orderly person?  Can I make a confession?  I am naturally not orderly.  With this information I make intentional steps to be orderly.  I carry a notebook to meetings.  I use an application called Trello to manage my to-do lists.  I organize my emails in a manner that allows me to get to the needed information quickly.  However, there is someone that has greater order than all this.  You just have to look at your human anatomy and things around us. Psalm 148:13 Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his majesty is above earth and heaven.  This chapter starts with exhorting the heavenly things to praise God, and ends with exhorting the earthly things to do the same. Indeed God has created all things. If anyone has any doubts or questions about God being instrumental in the creation of the world, they should think deeply about what are the alternatives. Nothing could have made such intr...

I do not walk alone

Are you lonely?  No, I am not about to give you my number.  You have heard it before.  Many in this crowded world of over 7 billion people are lonely.  In spite of all the state sponsored social welfare, some of the highest suicide rates are in Western countries.  These countries pride themselves with liberalism and progressiveness, but fail miserably when it comes to lonely citizens.  Some of them even rank high on the World Happiness Report .  What is missing?  What is the world missing? Psalm 147:5-6 Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite. The Lord lifts up the humble; He casts the wicked down to the ground. The Psalmist expounds the virtues of being God's children.  Everything is taken care of.  Food, shelter, clothing and more.  The protection afforded by being under His care is significant and it extends to the children.  v10 makes it clear that it is not our ability that makes a dif...

Trusting relationships in the marketplace are difficult

When you enter into new employment or a business partnership, you are entering a new space of trust.  You are trusting that for the investment of time and/or money you put in there will be a return.  Hopefully the arrangements are made in writing, otherwise you trust the words of the organization or the business partners.  I have seen much in my days in the marketplace.  It is difficult to completely trust anybody.  When money is involved, it can be challenging for anyone.  The Psalmist quite aptly says it here. Psalm 146:3-4 Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; In that very day his plans perish. There is great happiness because of the knowledge of who God is and what He does. He is always looking out for the less fortunate, the weak and the oppressed. We cannot put our trust in man. He dies and his plans perish with him. Neither princes or ordinary men...