Stress is the number one reason for most illnesses, or the reason why we cannot recover quickly from an illness. Our security in the Lord however reduces this stress and perhaps eliminates it completely. I am thankful for good health and this has been a great testimony since I have very rarely taken a single day of medical leave the last more than 7 years. This can only be the Lord. The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about this.
A new book and new revelation. The great Solomon is acknowledged as the writer of this book. If only he kept to its wisdom he would have finished well. The emphasis on this chapter is all about not falling into the trap of being evil and wicked. Society may encourage us to do this, but our obedience to the Lord prevents us from making this mistake.
Proverbs 1:33
But whoever listens to me will dwell safely,
And will be secure, without fear of evil.
Walk in the fear of the Lord and not be greedy and wicked.
Father, I will walk in Your ways always. I reject anything that is contrary to You, no matter how enticing it may be.
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