Are you an orderly person? Can I make a confession? I am naturally not orderly. With this information I make intentional steps to be orderly. I carry a notebook to meetings. I use an application called Trello to manage my to-do lists. I organize my emails in a manner that allows me to get to the needed information quickly. However, there is someone that has greater order than all this. You just have to look at your human anatomy and things around us.
Psalm 148:13
Let them praise the name of the LORD,
for his name alone is exalted;
his majesty is above earth and heaven.
This chapter starts with exhorting the heavenly things to praise God, and ends with exhorting the earthly things to do the same. Indeed God has created all things.
If anyone has any doubts or questions about God being instrumental in the creation of the world, they should think deeply about what are the alternatives. Nothing could have made such intricate beings and elements. There is an order that can only come from an orderly being greater than this order.
Father, I know no other but you. I praise you all day in every circumstance because you are truly great.
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