The Chinese people everywhere still mostly stay with the tradition of celebrating their new year with lots of the color red. Red clothing, red debris from fire crackers, red "ang pow" packets, and even a red cloth banner over the front door archway. It all starts with an important reunion dinner where the whole family makes every attempt possible to meet the night before the new year. It appears that this tradition or culture seems to have been passed down from a similar ancient practice.
The Passover is a great meal of remembrance celebrated by the Jewish people. The first one was held in Egypt to provide for the protection of Jewish families living in Egypt against the work of the angel of death that would kill the first born in every family. They killed a lamb without blemish and placed its blood against the door posts of their homes so that the angel of death would see the blood and "pass over" the home. This same Passover was celebrated by Jesus and His disciples before He was crucified. God provided a way to pass over our sin today.
Faith in Christ's redemption through His sacrifice on the cross provides a way for the ultimate Passover. Verse 25 clearly states God passed over our sins. We know we can never match up to the requirements of the ten commandments. We need a Savior to restore our relationship with God.
Have faith in God who has provided a way for us to have a restored relationship with Him. It is not blind faith, but clear faith. It is substantive faith. No other way provides a clear assurance of what will happen after death. I am saved.
Father, I am thankful to You for sending your Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross as the perfect sacrifice so that my sin can be passed over.
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