Much has been said about the gay movement, including the use of the 6 colors of the rainbow. (side note: I hope people realize that this color presentation by the LGBTQ movement is NOT the rainbow, just 6 colors of the rainbow). The rainbow, with all the seven colors represent a promise that God gave to Noah after the great flood (which explains many of the natural phenomenon we have around us). I am thankful that the movement did not give the rainbow a new meaning. Many may disagree with me, but we need to realize this technicality, if I may term it that way. When Paul wrote to the Romans he also referred to people who practiced unnatural sex.
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
But he does not stop there. These have moved towards tolerating or being involved in ungodly activities, beyond just unnatural sexual activities.
Are we guilty of one or more of these? All these are unnatural behaviors. They are all needing to be cleaned out of our lives as we live our lives in holy obedience to His calling. Unless you do this you have shortchanged yourself. You still love me? I love you. And this is why I speak openly about this. I am not perfect, the people choosing to believe the LGBT narrative are not perfect, and neither are you. Let us not shortchange ourselves. Let us spur each other to every good work. Be naturally right before God.
Father, help me to see ALL that is wrong with me, and be committed to following your ways always.
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