I admire the resilience of the Jewish people. In spite of the many efforts to undermine their well being, they have thrived. The biggest area they have had great success is in the area of science and technology. Witty inventions! Google this word in the bible. It will take you to Proverbs 8:12 where the KJV uses this phrase. And then look at the business, media, science and technology world and you see how that presents itself. As you do research on the people involved, I am reminded of how much the people of Israel are involved strategically in each of these. Isaiah 27 shows God's mercy for these people.
Isaiah 27:13
So it shall be in that day:
The great trumpet will be blown;
They will come, who are about to perish in the land of Assyria,
And they who are outcasts in the land of Egypt,
And shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem.
Do we get jealous? No, it helps us understand God's heart for a people or lineage that came through a faithful man, Abraham. What do we do? We cannot enter the same physical lineage but certainly the spiritual. John 3:16 says it well. God loves us and He entered the physical lineage to allow all of mankind to enter the spiritual lineage of Abraham. Stop hating this people. Instead, embrace and inherit the blessing God promised to Abraham for the nations.
Father, thank you for your salvation! I pray that those reading this, will receive the same.
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