Are you a salaried employee or wage earner? Under these circumstances you are obligated by contract (written or otherwise) to deliver a service under certain conditions. You do not have freedom to do as you like. For periods in my corporate life I had great freedom to do what I liked but it meant complete reliance on my ability to secure business to support the family. Nehemiah was also an employee. His boss is the king of Persia.
Nehemiah 2:18, And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.
He was a trusted member of the king's household as the cup bearer. He was close not only to the king but the queen. His welfare was important to the king. He had great favor with him due to his quality of work and character. This was an important requirement to get the resources and support he needed to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. This gave him good standing with the people of Jerusalem. I need the same for the work I that I do.
Father, I need all the resources and support needed to equip and inspire strategically positioned leaders. Help me do it all right.
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