Lee Yen and I got married in 1991. We met in 1986 at church and were active in the works of the church, including missions and the young adults group. We only started courting with her family's blessing in April 1991. We had a joint family meeting middle of that year and got married in church on December 28. It was the start of a wonderful union. I thank God for Lee Yen and the commitment we made with each other. Our theme verse for the wedding was this verse in Ruth.
Ruth 1:16, But Ruth said:
Entreat me not to leave you,
Or to turn back from following after you;
For wherever you go, I will go;
And wherever you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people,
And your God, my God.
Lee Yen and I were from very different cultures. Our wedding had the message delivered first in English, Chinese and then Tamil. Our friends and relatives, many of them prebelievers, heard God's Word for the first time, including the verse above. At that time neither of our parents were Christians. Our marriage is a testimony of God's grace and mercy, and faithfulness.
Yes, we do have disagreements and times of contention. But with the Lord present in our daily lives and the lives of our children we have the peace that passes all understanding. He has brought us through a great journey of faith that continues to challenge us and requires us to go back to the theme verse of marriage.
Father, thank you for your blessing upon us and our children.
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