In today's world everyone seems to be celebrating their ability to do what they like, instead of what is best for their eternal good. One of the most important area is sexuality. While we can accept that having attractions towards a person of the same sex may occur in people, we cannot accept that this is normal. It is not. Don't get me wrong. I am friends with people with this lifestyle but I pray that they will be released from it.
This problem has been there through ancient times, including the period of the judges of Israel. The issue with the tribe of Benjamin being potentially lost is because of this. The book of Judges finishes with this verse.
Judges 21:25, In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
There are countries in the world that have decriminalized homosexuality, allowed same sex marriages, and now are expunging records of those convicted in the past for sodomy. By accepting this behavior you are breaking the family ecosystem and further contributing towards family breakdown and ultimately the destruction of God designed civil society. It is important instead to acknowledge that something is wrong and treat it like any other sickness, because it is not normal.
Father, I pray for every person that has homosexual tendencies to be released from this sickness in the body.
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