I loved history when I was in school. It was taught from when I was 10 till 15 years of age. In those 6 years we studied the history of almost the whole world. This was amazing. For this reason I have been blessed with an appreciation of what happened in each country around the globe. As a young student learning history, we unfortunately spent most of our time just remembering or memorizing what happened. We did not "learn from history". Another group that did not learn from history were the Jewish leaders of Jesus' days.
You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you.
Stephen, one of the appointed leaders to serve at the tables of this new movement, was brought to the council and he took the opportunity to share history of the Jewish people from the time of Abraham. He very quickly pointed out the many times in history how the people rejected God and His prophets and suffered in the process. Yet again they were doing this today. They were hearing, but not learning. They rejected Jesus for their own selfish reasons.
Even today, we see people printing the words "Xmas", instead of "Christmas". Some give the excuse that the designers could not find space for the full word, but they can find space for irrelevant visuals. Businesses are asked to wish everyone "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". In at least one country they require stores not to display the words "Merry Christmas" on their products. Many are trying to mask the reason for this season. Jesus Christ!
The facts are clear about Jesus and what He was here to do about 2,000 years ago, but they could not accept it. Praise the Lord that, as shared in the previous chapter, some Jewish priests still followed Jesus, and many many more since have experienced the life changing personal relationship with Almighty God.
Father, I want to learn from history. Help me to learn and obey your directions.
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