There was a time that I used to lead teams into the Philippines to share the gospel message. In the first two trips Lee Yen was with me in the team. First as a friend and second trip as my wife. We had a wonderful time in the mountains of Northern Luzon besides ministry in the Greater Manila area. One of the experiences I will never forget is being in the mountains and feeling like the home we were in was going to get blown off with the high winds. We slept through that by God's grace. Jesus' disciples experienced a strong wind and fire at the same time in this chapter. The result was amazing.
From villain to hero. Jesus was being celebrated and many came to the Lord. They reflected on His life and ministry, and now knew better how God's salvation was to come. The movement was started with wind and fire. A worldwide movement was started in Jerusalem about 2,000 years ago. It all makes sense. An ancient people, with an ancient promise has changed the world.
Father, I am amazed at how your promise has been fulfilled. Thank you.
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