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Showing posts from April, 2020

I need WATER

Today we treat water, electricity and the internet as the three essentials of life at home.  If you are confined to being at home for long periods, you can do without these.  In the past you may not have included the internet, but today the internet allows you to order groceries and takeouts.  While being in isolation, being able to be fed using the internet is essential besides your ability to connect with family, friends, business associates, customers and suppliers.  But between water, electricity and the internet, water is the most essential.  Water for drinking, washing and the toilet.  Imagine living with electricity and the internet, but NO WATER.  It would be unbearable.  The final chapter of Hosea speaks of Israel being restored and three elements are used to describe this. The vine, the grain and the fruit of a cypress tree. What do we understand by these parallels?   Hosea 14:9 Who is wise? Let him understand these ...

Still wondering?

It has been said that you have a rational mind you would know that there is no such thing as a Creator God.  I believe if you truly study many of the roots of this state of mind is the fact that religion or religious people have failed them in one way or another in the past.  And so my question is this.  Does the reality of God diminish because a created being does something wrong?  Rationally speaking, no.  There is too much evidence around us to remove a Creator God just because of the failure of religion or man.  The Bible records many of man's and religion's failures. Hosea 13:4 Yet I am the Lord your God.  Ever since the land of Egypt, And you shall know no God but Me; For there is no savior besides Me. Hosea records so many of the failures of a supposedly chosen race to be a blessing to the nations.  There is rich history of the many faiths running parallel to what was happening to Israel. Whether you are Hindu, Muslim or Buddhist...

Mercy and Justice do go together

We home-schooled all our children for most of their pre-tertiary years.  It was a real blessing for us to see how they grew in their areas of interest and at their own pace.  As I have said it before, they are not perfect (and neither are we as parents) but we had the opportunity to speak into their early character development.  During these days we needed to exercise a lot of MERCY with JUSTICE.  I was reminded of this when I read this verse from the bible chapter of the day. Hosea 12:6 So you, by the help of your God, return; Observe mercy and justice, And wait on your God continually. The people of Israel are reminded again in this chapter of God's history with them. This verse is beseeching them to return. Two significant words are included that speak aloud but can be missed entirely. Mercy and justice. Yes, God is just, but He is merciful first. There is order in the way things work.  The sin of mankind makes any move away from God a move awa...

I am running directly into the Father's arms

Children somehow magically connect with their parents.  They probably grew up in the mother's womb hearing the mother's voice primarily and a significant time with the father's.  This is God's design for a family.  We are wired to grow up and connect in this manner. A dysfunctional family will not provide such a connection or space.  However, as the child grows up there could be new influences in their lives that takes them away from this safe and loving growing up environment.  In fact when this initial environment is no longer there, the child (or may be an adult) will have no place to go when things get bad.  But our Heavenly Father is always there. Hosea 11:3-4 I taught Ephraim to walk, Taking them by their arms; But they did not know that I healed them. I drew them with gentle cords, With bands of love, And I was to them as those who take the yoke from their neck. I stooped and fed them. This chapter sums up the fickle mindedness of the peop...

He is ALL I need

You may have heard the term "groupthink".  It has been said that because of a small few (or just one) persons of influence an entire group of people could think a certain way or make decisions that could be wrong.  They did not consider the matter with all the facts and are guided by assumptions that seem right, but are actually not valid.  Sometimes it leads to small mistakes that can be easily corrected, but other times it has lead to mass killings, and even mass suicides.  I believe the people of Israel had this challenge. Hosea 10:5-6 The inhabitants of Samaria fear Because of the calf of Beth Aven. For its people mourn for it, And its priests shriek for it— Because its glory has departed from it. The idol also shall be carried to Assyria As a present for King Jareb. Ephraim shall receive shame, And Israel shall be ashamed of his own counsel. The mention of the calves in this chapter reminds me of the reverence my old faith had for the cow. I...

Do not forget; write it down

In another reflection I mentioned about being forgetful and misplacing things.  One of the best ways to remember things is to write it down.  I have learnt from my early bosses that you never walk into a meeting or discussion without a notebook and a pen.  Today, I walk in with my tablet and a pen.  If you forget something, there could be dire consequences.  It could be a simple request, but it means a lot to somebody.  The people of Israel had dire consequences because they forgot. Hosea 9:17 My God will cast them away, Because they did not obey Him; And they shall be wanderers among the nations. The people of Israel placed great importance on the wine presses and threshing floors because it was their main and final part of their economic production. Here they sought God's blessings. But at the same time they sought Baal and worshiped this god. What were they thinking? The God that rescued them from Egypt and took them through the Red Sea could n...

Get right yourself and pray for others to get right too

Are you thankful?  I am.  But sometimes I forget and I move into a mode of "taking it for granted".  I have so many things going for me but I forget how they came about.  It may have been something my wife did, my co-worker, or perhaps God Himself.  When I forget God, He will respond to remind me of my need to return to Him.  Israel was in a state of apostasy as described here in chapter 8 of Hosea and ends with this verse.  Hosea 8:14 For Israel has forgotten his Maker, And has built temples; Judah also has multiplied fortified cities; But I will send fire upon his cities, And it shall devour his palaces. I am reminded of the counsel given about how to deal with Gideon's act of destroying the altar of Baal during his time. The people were ready to kill the person that destroyed their place of worship. However, they agreed with Gideon's father that Baal will contend with Gideon for his actions rather them the people.  Though the...

Do not forget the cake in the oven; it will get burned

It has been said that as long as you have influence over one or more people, you are a leader.  With that comes responsibility. You certainly do not want the person(s) you are leading to do the wrong things, or do the right things the wrong way.  As a leader, people are watching you.  They catch more from what they see you do, than what you say.  Have you tried to bake a cake?  Did it come out good, or was it burnt?  The leaders of Israel were given this picture alluding to the fact that the people of Israel were following their example. Hosea 7:6-7 They prepare their heart like an oven, While they lie in wait; Their baker sleeps all night; In the morning it burns like a flaming fire. They are all hot, like an oven, And have devoured their judges; All their kings have fallen. None among them calls upon Me. What was Israel trying to bake? The oven is heated and the cake with leaven is burned on one side.  They have forgotten to turn the cake....

Have you misplaced something? It is right there.

Have you ever lost or misplaced something?  I have, on numerous occasions.  I have one story of someone who misplaced her passport and for a good 24 hours she was frantically looking for it.  Little did she realize that she had kept it in an ultra secure place in her bedroom.  She had looked everywhere in her room but did not look in that one place where it was all along.  It was an important document but she was not looking in the right place.  Hosea shares an important promise in this chapter. Hosea 6:2-3 After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight. Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, Like the latter and former rain to the earth. In these two verses it seems to reflect Jesus' resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Whatever the case, Hosea sees God's redemptive steps for the people ...

My gaze is on the one that can get the job done

I have been a member of many boards and committees in my life time.  As you know, a lot of jokes are made about how these meetings are really "over-meets".  Contrary to these cynical views of such groups, I have been in many powerful meetings that see great things accomplished.  One of the important decisions you can make is to appoint the right person to execute an agreed task or plan. You gaze across the table and you see the right person from the meeting to get the job done. How about first looking to God?  I believe He is at every meeting.  Maybe we should look to Him first.  We need to seek Him first. Hosea 5:15 I will return again to My place Till they acknowledge their offense. Then they will seek My face; In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me. When you move out of God's canopy, the protection of God is no longer there. And so, when you are up against attacks, you do human things to find solutions to your attacks. The people...


I once heard a preacher share this story of a husband and wife sitting in a car.  In the old days the driver's seat and the front passenger(s) have no separation between them.  It was one long connected seat in the front like the back seat of a car.  You could therefore have more than 2 people "comfortably" sit in the "front seat".  For most "driving days" the husband and wife sat close to each other.  But the day came when they started to sit further apart.  One day the wife said to her husband, who was driving the car, "Honey, I am very sad. We are longer close to each other".  The husband replied with a question, "Darling, who moved?". Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. These are harsh words for the people. But who moved? The conseq...

Time to return to an old and faithful relationship

Unfaithfulness or lack of loyalty is prevalent in our society today.  But was it any different "back then"?  This issue is a perennial one.  From ancient times you see switching of loyalties and allegiances to suit the personal agenda of the person.  Sometimes this could involve an entire nation.  The kings, peoples and nation of Israel were no different.  But there is hope. Hosea 3:5 Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the LORD their God and David their king. They shall fear the LORD and His goodness in the latter days. Hosea was again asked to do a prophetic illustration. He was to take on a harlot and demonstrate Israel's unfaithfulness. It was sad. Chapter 3 of Hosea goes on to mention that there will be no king and no sacrifices. Therefore, no leader and no forgiveness of sins? But in actual fact the situation is reversed.  The people return to God and David their king. It is not talking about the dead David but the J...

I love You too

When you get angry with someone, do not.  It is not worth it.  You are doing self-harm. It is like taking a knife and cutting yourself up.  Your body produces more toxins.  Your liver has to work over time.  Your immune system goes down.  Your heart rate becomes untenable.  Your blood pressure goes up and you risk dying of a heart attack, or a virus or bacteria your body cannot fight.  Instead, show mercy.  The person I know that shows the greatest mercy of all is God. Mercy is mentioned at the beginning and at the end of Chapter 2 in Hosea. In spite of the consequences God allowed on the people of Israel because of their unfaithfulness, He still showed mercy. Hosea 2:23 Then I will sow her for Myself in the earth, And I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy; Then I will say to those who were not My people, ‘You are My people!’ And they shall say, ‘You are my God!’ There will be a returning to God.  It is incre...

I am restored because I am loved to bits

There are people in authority today that choose to view themselves highly and even disclaim and dishonor God.  There are instances in the bible when kings have been destroyed because of their arrogance. I am not sure how God will respond in these modern times to these individuals, but He will continue to seek the good welfare of the people.  Hosea the prophet demonstrated God's eternal love for mankind and here is an account of how He loves the people of Israel in spite of their rulers. Hosea 1:10 Yet the number of the children of Israel Shall be as the sand of the sea, Which cannot be measured or numbered. And it shall come to pass In the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not My people,’ There it shall be said to them, ‘You are sons of the living God.’ This is a prophet who obeyed God and did the unconventional by demonstrating the word of the Lord through his marriage and family. In the same chapter God proclaims through Hosea that Israel (during the reign...

The end is coming

It has been said in many pieces of literature and studies that at some point life as we know it will come to an end.  There are many who study different matters to understand how much time we have.  No one still has an exact answer.  Would we die from a fallen meteor?  Gradually from global warming? Could a pandemic or global plague do it?  Perhaps it would be a global conflict.  Daniel gets a small divine peek at how we end. Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Yes, knowledge shall increase but it has not caused the world to repent and come to God. Many will perish without their names being in the book as mentioned here in this chapter. The time is short. Everyone is only given until the end of their lives or the end of the world to decide. The writing is on the wall and the message of God's love is clear. Daniel's message of end ...

Calamities should direct us to seek real peace

In my years as a financially independent adult I have experienced significant financial crisis around me in the mid to late nineteen eighties, the late nineteen nineties, around twenty fifteen, and twenty twenties.  I may not have been personally challenged but the communities and organizations had been.  How do you respond?  Are these inevitable economic cycles that you need to plan for and weather through them?  Much of it appears to be driven by man's greed and need for quick success.  This is probably drove the calamities of ancient times. Daniel 11:40-41 At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through. He shall also enter the Glorious Land, and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall escape from his hand: Edom, Moab, and the prominent people of Am...

Engage in battle with fresh fruits and vegetables

Are you looking for ways to lose weight?  Some people have said you need to go vegetarian (I know many fat vegetarians).  Others say you need to go for an all protein diet with a little bit of fat.  Some ask the question, "Are you in your zone?".  Whatever approach you take, nothing beats eating just fresh fruits and vegetables.  No carbohydrates.  No meats.  No sweets (at least the non-fruit types).  Obviously no alcohol (I personally abstain from this unless it is used in cooking).  Do I do this kind of diet?  Yes, sometimes, and it works to help lose weight.  However, I do it for a different reason. Daniel 10:2-3 In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled. In these verses 2 and 3 it refer to what we have been commonly calling the Daniel fast, " As he engaged in this fast, he enc...

We have forgotten what it all means

The week before Easter is commonly referred to as Holy Week.  Each church has its own tradition and they are meaningful when you care to understand the meanings.  I see many following the programs without deep diving into their significance.  Instead, people get engrossed with Easter bunnies, chocolate presents, and long weekend escapades.  In some countries there are restrictions on opening stores and other business establishments on Good Friday or the whole weekend.  However, these restrictions are being challenged or removed.  We have forgotten what this weekend means for mankind.  It was mentioned over 2,600 years ago in the ancient writings of Daniel where the oldest manuscripts found are over 2,100 years old.  Daniel 9:19 O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my God, for Your city and Your people are called by Your name.” Daniel goes into a time of repentance prayer before God for I...

Work while it is still day

The alarm rang this morning and I woke to another brand new day.  It means I have things to do.  Energy to expend to see things happen.  Opportunities to improve things about myself, family, my community, my spheres of influence and others.  When we fail to recognize this,  our lives can become stressful or a drudgery OR BOTH.  We live in an ever accelerating world where people want things quicker and quicker, failing to realize that we have "flowers to smell" around us before we rush off to the next thing.  All with human effort, not recognizing that work can be fun and accelerated with little effort when done in God's way. Daniel 8:15-17 Then it happened, when I, Daniel, had seen the vision and was seeking the meaning, that suddenly there stood before me one having the appearance of a man. And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of the Ulai, who called, and said, “Gabriel, make this man understand the vision.” So he came near where I stood...

Put aside the nightmares; there is no fear

How do you deal with nightmares that extend to your waking hours?  I rarely remember my dreams and so I do not really get affected by my dreams.  But for some others their dreams (or nightmares) have something to do with their current reality.  There is no peace.  There is great stress and limited good sleep.  Daniel had such an experience during Belshazzar's first year of reign. Daniel 7:15-16 Daniel, was grieved in my spirit within my body, and the visions of my head troubled me. I came near to one of those who stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me and made known to me the interpretation of these things: Belshazzar is the king that had the writing on the wall. 4 beasts and all terrible looking devouring the people of God. But in the end God comes himself to save them from the beasts. Yes, they exist. They will torment for a season but God will come and save us. There is a happy ending to this terrible time. But Daniel stayed p...

Scoring 100% everyday is possible

When you are finishing up with university (or college) you look forward to the next season of your life in the workplace.  It is not an easy transition.  Just when you thought you have learned it all, you find out you know little.The biggest learning is that everyday you have to score 100% in the "corporate exam".  A 99.99% is not good enough.  It may have been good enough in school, but no so in the workplace.  If you are a team player it is easy to see how you can achieve it.  If you are a loner and you work alone, you will struggle and eventually will leave the organization.  In this regard Daniel was a star.  He was about to be made the number one person in spite of him not being a Persian. Daniel 6:3 Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm. What a testimony of Daniel from this chapter. However, an eg...

Time to remember that which is important

They say that as you grow older your memory slips you.  Well I suppose that you have way more to remember and it would be harder to remember everything or everyone that you have experienced in your lifetime.  I have made intentional steps to remember people's names.  This is especially important in my present work where I meet hundreds of new people each year.  Faces, pictures, names, information about them, and praying for them all helps me to remember them better.  Do you have a personal approach that works for you?  Nebuchadnezzar's son could have benefited from it. Daniel 5:22 But you his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, although you knew all this. How quickly has the next generation forgotten God and His workings. Nebuchadnezzar experienced God and Belshazzar his son was without excuse when he decided to use the implements of the Jewish temple to drink and worship other gods. This is truly the sad end to a great kingdom but God ...

What do people see?

Once upon a time I was 23 years old and the year was 1986.  I had purposed to either join an investment bank or a management consulting company.  I had interviews with both types of organizations and miraculously, despite a tough recession year, I was hired to be a management consultant.  That year 21 deposit taking cooperatives were put into receivership (or "administration") because they became insolvent with the economic downturn.  My firm was made responsible for 2 of them, and guess who had the main working role of reviewing their loan portfolios and leading the process of creating a computerized database of all depositors.  I had to learn fast and I was working day and night.  There was a stretch of 3 days that I worked without going home.  You can say that I earned quite a reputation in the firm, especially among the leadership that included some very prominent people in Malaysia today.  Daniel had a similar experience but on a much bigger...