Are you looking for ways to lose weight? Some people have said you need to go vegetarian (I know many fat vegetarians). Others say you need to go for an all protein diet with a little bit of fat. Some ask the question, "Are you in your zone?". Whatever approach you take, nothing beats eating just fresh fruits and vegetables. No carbohydrates. No meats. No sweets (at least the non-fruit types). Obviously no alcohol (I personally abstain from this unless it is used in cooking). Do I do this kind of diet? Yes, sometimes, and it works to help lose weight. However, I do it for a different reason.
Daniel 10:2-3
In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.
In these verses 2 and 3 it refer to what we have been commonly calling the Daniel fast, " As he engaged in this fast, he encountered an angel and was thrown to the ground. As the angel speaks we have a small picture of what the spiritual world looks like. There is reference to territorial spirits. Once thing is for sure. We cannot give Satan too much credit. He is NOT omnipresent. However he depends on the fallen angels or demons in each area to do his work. But as we go before God, God will intervene.
Anything that we face can become seemingly impossible. We could be under attack and it probably is a spiritual attack. We need to seek the Lord for His intervention as truly only He can help us overcome. And He will send His angels to engage. Hallelujah!
Father, help me have your view of what is going on and engage well in the spiritual realm.
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