Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends and those who celebrate it worldwide. The event that Americans commonly call the "First Thanksgiving" was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in October 1621. Today, I am sure, it has taken on a bigger definition of thanksgiving. We are thankful for many things in our lives that God has blessed us with. The people of Israel were likewise told to remember certain feasts.
Leviticus 23:4, These are the feasts of the Lord, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times.
Reading through the chapter you realize that they are all meant to remind the people of their deliverance from captivity and their need for atonement. It is amazing that every little detail was meant to be a signpost for God's plans for the future. You need to read the chapter and see how the "God instituted" feasts are reflections of God's plans for mankind.
My son Shane pointed me to this video of the old song Amazing Grace at this link. It has 43 million views. The comments are great but there are some who still need to see obvious. The obvious is that God wants each of us back with Him under his covering and protection. This can only happen with the shedding of blood, His blood. He is seeking to deliver us from our "Egypt".
The feasts have been conducted thousands of years and the time is coming soon for the grand finale of Jesus' second coming. I pray that all my friends and relatives will be able to celebrate with me as we have the first heavenly feast of Thanksgiving.
Father, I look forward to the day, but I pray for many to hear and respond positively to the message of salvation before it is too late.
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