What is the most expensive clothing that you have ever bought? Don't tell me. I have known of people who purposely fly somewhere, or fly the tailor in to have their garments made or fit. They spend tons of money for this in order to look good for people. The people of Israel made a very expensive garment for the priest to look good for God.
Exodus 39:8, And he made the breastplate, artistically woven like the workmanship of the ephod, of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and of fine woven linen.
The part of the garment that I am fascinated by is the breastplate. It has 12 precious stones mounted on it close to the heart of the priest representing the 12 tribes of Israel. The way this is designed was instructed by God. Obviously, the priest's main role was to intercede for the people of Israel with God. These 12 different stones were placed close to the priest's heart for intercession.
As followers of Jesus Christ we have direct access to God without the need for an intermediary. Who is in your heart for intercession? Family? Friends? Neighbors? Coworkers? Bring them all. God is waiting for you to lift them up to Him.
Father, let me not stop interceding for loved ones and those that need to find you.
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