Marriage is an important part of culture. The problem with the western world and in cultures where the women are not well honored is that people get in and out of marriage like buying and selling an asset. In many cultures a dowry is needed. Lee Yen and I had an interesting situation when we were getting married. In the Indian custom, the bride's family needs to give a dowry to the bridegroom's family. In the Chinese tradition it is the reverse. We won't tell you how we resolved it unless you buy us meal. Jacob had to give dowry as well. He gave 14 years of labor to Laban (his uncle) for Leah and Rachel. Genesis 29:20, So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her. Genesis 29:25, So it came to pass in the morning, that behold, it was Leah. And he said to Laban, “What is this you have done to me? Was it not for Rachel that I served you? Why then have you deceived me?” Genesis 29:27, Fulfill her week, and...