Our human state has a tendency to complicate matters. We always feel that the better way to do something is another way, when there is a simpler way. So what way are you taking to know the certainty of your life after death. The first reaction or response is to say, "I don't know". To make sure there is no further conversation on the matter you may say, "And, I don't care". In actual fact you care and it matters. Paul here is giving a clear reminder of what God has in mind and what we have in Jesus.
For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is that simple. Follow Jesus and you will be saved. It is not complicated. It does not require deep analysis. All this has been done. Many who set out to disprove the Christian faith have ended up becoming Christians. You may raise objections, but a serious seeker will find the answers, and be faced with the penultimate question, "Since what Jesus and the Bible says is true, do I follow Jesus?" Most make the logical choice. Some defer it for their own reasons.
Don't delay following Jesus.
When you follow Jesus there is great comfort of God's continuous loving presence in your life. And, you will naturally do what Paul says here.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Yes Father, I rejoice all the time because you are with me always.
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