My favorite cheesecake by far is blueberry cheesecake. If you enjoy this, please like this post. It is solidly rich. As a student in Toronto in my early teens I used to make my own tray. A friend from church, Janice McCready, was kind enough to share her recipe. This is what I think of when I read the first chapter of Ephesians. Paul really loads it.
If you are not familiar with who Jesus Christ is, and want to know His standing and outlook, read this chapter and perhaps the whole letter to the Ephesians.
And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.
We have God as our head. He is very clearly living and NOT dead. There are so many unique things about Him that He easily surpasses any known leader in the history of mankind. This is not surprising since He is God. Would you not want God to lead you and your organization? I certainly would. He is so rich in more ways than one. While the early church had human leaders and loose affiliations and organization, it looked the Lord for His leadership in all things. Why wouldn't you when He is the perfect leader.
Paul reflects on the power, authority and dominion God has over all things. He has demonstrated this from the creation of the world, the redemption of mankind on the cross, and the resurrection. There is no mistaking the character and authority of God. He is rich in His being, and because He is rich, we are rich in our being as His own, as His children. We are truly special.
Father, you are my leader and I want to follow you always.
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