I lost an uncle a some years ago. And he passed away without knowing Jesus. Each time I go through this I keep asking can I do more to share the gospel to them so that they will not be lost. I am reminded that all we can do is share the gospel as permitted and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. We cannot force the matter but we can certainly share the best thing that ever happened to us. Did I do enough to share the gospel? Don't know. But I will certainly share it at every opportunity like I am doing now. Jesus found every opportunity to preach the about the kingdom and share the salvation promised, and many believed.
She said to Him, “Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”
This is Martha saying it before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Would you believe? Jesus did not raise everybody from the dead. He did it here to show the glory of God and to allow this to be a testimony of who He is. There will come a time when those who acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Savior will be all resurrected to life at the same time.
Father, the day is coming when we can no longer share the gospel, and so I must do it while I can. Grab every opportunity.
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