Do you have doubts about anything? Doubts cause uncertainties. Uncertainties cause stress. Stress causes illness. I believe we therefore have a natural tendency to jump to conclusions to remove those doubts. This removes all tensions and we have peace again. But frankly when we are doing the all important shifting of paradigms, this is when doubts come in the greatest. So, do we reject the shift? It is not easy. Jesus said some "out of this world" things in this chapter that challenges the paradigms of His disciples, and perhaps yours as well.
Therefore many of His disciples, when they heard this, said, “This is a hard saying; who can understand it?”
Doubts rose and many left, leaving behind just the disciples. Earlier, many got into boats chasing Him from Tiberias, where He fed the 5,000, to Capernaum. But after crossing over, they went away disappointed. He said they needed to "eat and drink of Him". Of course this was said in the spiritual sense and only the Holy Spirit can help them process this. There is great reward if you can make the paradigm shift. It is worth the shift in spite of our natural tendency to "stay well". But are we staying well when we do not accept what Jesus said? The only way you can SEE the Son is by making the paradigm shift. Make it quick to receive the peace of God.
And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”
Thank you Father for the privilege of seeing you and having everlasting life.
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