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Showing posts from March, 2021

Help others be right

Ever seen someone with a loose thread on their clothing? Or, a loose piece of tissue on their face? Hair out of place? Someone ungracious in your home? An inappropriate act or speech? A person doing things sinning against God? What do you do? Do you keep quiet and go on your way? Busy with your personal welfare and well-being? Or, do you have a genuine and sincere interest in the person's well-being? Paul is concerned about how sin is prevailing in the church. 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges. Therefore “put away from yourselves the evil person.” While there is a need for us to share the good news with everyone outside the church irrespective of their background, there is no room for sin in the church. We need to be ready to correct a person in love. We also need to be ready to receive correction graciously. Paul pointed out the sin clearly. A person was...

The Greatest Book Ever Written - Have you read it?

The written word can only convey so much but it is still powerful to communicate ideas and disrupt the entire world. It enters or creates a theater of the war of minds and it can either be constructive or destructive. Many men have used the written word to influence huge masses of people. Hitler and Marx being two of them. But no one beats the bible. It has stayed the most printed and read book in the world. Have you read the Bible? Paul in this chapter talks about the mystery of the Word and how he needs to be a good steward of it. 1 Corinthians 4:1, Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. The words and the message conveyed in the Bible are powerful and life changing. It needs to be taught well so that the young will understand the ways of God early and have a restored relationship with God. Not just the young. Everyone! In the previous chapter Paul refers to the wisdom of the world. 1 Corinthians 3:19, For the wisdom of this world is ...

They are just human

There is almost a cult-like following for some of the celebrities of the day, including politicians. We are mesmerized by their talk, position or perhaps looks. Whenever this happens, I have to check myself that I am not idolizing them beyond their "human-ness". I may have shared about my experiences of presenting or speaking in front of 3 prime ministers of Malaysia and 1 previous late King of Malaysia. It was a great privilege to have these opportunities and was I nervous? No, because by the time I was 30 I had presented to 3 Malaysian cabinet ministers. One thing God made clear in my heart was that these were mere men that have human needs like me and they need God in their lives. Paul is warning the church to stop idolizing mere men like himself. 1 Corinthians 3:5-7 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, n...

Human wisdom is imperfect

I have pondered in the past about how Nehemiah received wisdom to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He was just a cup bearer and he was making plans with materials and people of all walks of life to rebuild this wall. The amazing thing is that he managed to rebuild it in 52 days before anybody could create any serious opposition to the efforts. Noah also received tremendous wisdom to build the Ark that saved his family and many species of animals. Paul also seems to imply that he relied on supernatural wisdom. 1 Corinthians 2:3-5 I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. This may seem foreign to you but the Holy Spirit does incredible things through men that are yielded to listen to Him. Not through human wisdom. The natural man does not receive these things because h...

The Greek philosophers are baffled

In years past, the Greeks were known for their philosophical discourse and writings. They had a great affinity for knowledge and wisdom. They were open to every worldview. Very likely they were the first pluralist society. Even for them the receiving of the Christian message was going to be difficult. It could not make sense. How could the gods come down and die for man? It did not fit their paradigm of human belief. Paul implies this in his letter to the Corinthian Church. 1 Corinthians 1:18-19 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.” The gospel message is a stumbling block for the Jews and foolishness to the Greeks. Sound familiar with current day pluralistic societies? Man cannot fathom how the almighty God was ready to personally redeem His creation because of His love for them. Our ...

The largest worldwide referral network

Do you have friends? As a student in Canada in the early 80's, I had great friends that did high school in Toronto and left for different parts of Canada. I used to take the bus and see them when I traveled across Canada. I used to travel to Winnipeg, Calgary, the Rockies and Vancouver. A non stop bus trip across Canada would take 3 days. I would take over a week to do this. The highlight of these trips were my friends and some of you reading this were my blessing. Thank you. Paul likewise had many friends. Romans chapter 16 is full of mention of relationships Paul built. He traveled and he touched many people's lives. He sends greetings to many and from many. The carrier of this letter, Phoebe, appears to be a businesswoman heading to Rome. Her background is shared at the beginning. In reflection of this, I am very convinced that the people of God have the greatest referral network in the world. We are blessed to be friends and brothers without having met each other before. ...

Relationships can be complicated

I am always amazed when people can say everything wrong about others and never once wrong about themselves. In fact they would say everything right about themselves. Know people like that? I am honored when people say good things about me, but I have my failings that God is working on. And so do many others.  In fact scripture encourages us to bear each other's faults as Jesus modeled for us. Romans 15:1-3 We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me.” As Paul explains his plans to visit Rome, he is almost apologetic. He further delays his plans by saying he needs to go to Jerusalem first. He also says he will only visit Rome because he is on his way to Spain. Otherwise, he would not go where people have already heard the gospel and are follo...

Be at peace

I have traveled significantly over the course of my life through many countries. One of the things that I enjoy about getting to a new place is enjoying their local cuisine. God has blessed me with a wonderful and adventurous appetite. Anyone like me out there? Of course I only eat the traditional meats, and on occasion, the exotic meats that are delicacies of the land. However, Paul in Romans had a challenge. People were arguing about what food and drink people are allowed to eat and drink. They were arguing the good days to be used for special festivities. It appears that the issues we have today on permitted foods and good days started back in the days of the New Testament. Paul clarifies this for all of us. Romans 14:16-18 Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil; for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men. What is important...

Democracy is failing and we have the solution

Today many democracies are at risk of not working. Politicians are pursuing popularity to ensure they stay in power at the risk of making and implementing policies that have long term negative consequences on their country. How do we break this vicious cycle. There seems to be no end. The early democratic process in the United States worked because the constituents were predominantly God fearing and hard working. But the situation even in the US has changed and you can see the process is failing in certain ways for them. In Paul's days the Roman Empire was considered an occupier. They were ruthless and allowed the persecution of Christians by Jewish leaders and later did it themselves. But yet Paul says to be subject to them. Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Very different thinking. While reading this we can miss the point that Paul is trying to make....

The world needs good character

Remember that old song, "What the world needs now, is love sweet love..."? I am reminded of the need for good character. The world needs good character. Many issues of life, family quarrels and disputes, corruption, substance abuse, crime and war can be averted if we have good character. In the character building program that I use, I strongly present that each of us has a God-given conscience that is dead when we are not renewed by Christ. We fail to hear our conscience which is activated by the Holy Spirit. This chapter in Romans is all about followers of Jesus activating their God given conscience. Romans 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Our lives are filled with moment b...

The lonely remnant?

I am reminded of how lonely it can be when you choose to do unique and obscure activities. Growing up I was privileged to learn rarely played sports in my country, or at least in my part of town. I learned rugby, cricket and hockey. The prime motivator for this was our PE Master, Mr Nathan. We were a rare breed. There was one year when our class decided to have a rugby match with another class, and we got special permission to play during school time. It was a memorable game as we played on while it rained. It was rugby in the rain! Following Jesus could also make you a rare breed. Romans 11:3-4 “LORD, they have killed Your prophets and torn down Your altars, and I alone am left, and they seek my life”? But what does the divine response say to him? “I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” Paul brings us back to the Old Testament where Elijah is told that he is not alone. God has identified a remnant of Godly men who have not bowed to Baal. ...