I have pondered in the past about how Nehemiah received wisdom to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He was just a cup bearer and he was making plans with materials and people of all walks of life to rebuild this wall. The amazing thing is that he managed to rebuild it in 52 days before anybody could create any serious opposition to the efforts. Noah also received tremendous wisdom to build the Ark that saved his family and many species of animals. Paul also seems to imply that he relied on supernatural wisdom.
This may seem foreign to you but the Holy Spirit does incredible things through men that are yielded to listen to Him. Not through human wisdom. The natural man does not receive these things because he does not have the Spirit of God, for he deems this as foolishness. We who have the mind of Christ can and should pursue great exploits for God. We have complete instructions.
Father, let me not rely on human wisdom. Like Samuel who with your wisdom anointed David to be king, let me rely on your wisdom.
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