Do you have friends? As a student in Canada in the early 80's, I had great friends that did high school in Toronto and left for different parts of Canada. I used to take the bus and see them when I traveled across Canada. I used to travel to Winnipeg, Calgary, the Rockies and Vancouver. A non stop bus trip across Canada would take 3 days. I would take over a week to do this. The highlight of these trips were my friends and some of you reading this were my blessing. Thank you. Paul likewise had many friends.
Romans chapter 16 is full of mention of relationships Paul built. He traveled and he touched many people's lives. He sends greetings to many and from many. The carrier of this letter, Phoebe, appears to be a businesswoman heading to Rome. Her background is shared at the beginning.
In reflection of this, I am very convinced that the people of God have the greatest referral network in the world. We are blessed to be friends and brothers without having met each other before. I can attest to this based on my travels to many parts of the world. Paul and his relationships have shown the way, and it is natural given the bond we have in Jesus Christ. I am blessed.
Paul ends his letter with a benediction that helps us understand why and how this referral network came to be. We are all part of God's worldwide family. Color, class, and country connections are irrelevant. And so are denominational and organizational connections; they are irrelevant. The prefixes and postfixes to our names have no meaning for these connections. Only Jesus Christ connects us and gives us our true identity in this worldwide referral network.
Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began but now made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith — to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.
Father, thank you for the kindred spirit that you have built among your children.
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