I am always amazed when people can say everything wrong about others and never once wrong about themselves. In fact they would say everything right about themselves. Know people like that? I am honored when people say good things about me, but I have my failings that God is working on. And so do many others. In fact scripture encourages us to bear each other's faults as Jesus modeled for us.
We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me.”
As Paul explains his plans to visit Rome, he is almost apologetic. He further delays his plans by saying he needs to go to Jerusalem first. He also says he will only visit Rome because he is on his way to Spain. Otherwise, he would not go where people have already heard the gospel and are following Jesus Christ. But he makes special mention of the move of God among the Gentiles reflecting on how the gospel has already moved among the Gentiles in Rome.
And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation, but as it is written: “To whom He was not announced, they shall see; And those who have not heard shall understand.”
Dealing with human minds and emotions is never easy. We constantly need to tread this carefully. But praise God, we have the power of the Holy Spirit to do this. Paul was in this position as he was coming to the end of his letter to the Romans.
Father, as a leader I need the power of the Holy Spirit to deal with human relationships well. Help me O God.
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