I am reminded of how lonely it can be when you choose to do unique and obscure activities. Growing up I was privileged to learn rarely played sports in my country, or at least in my part of town. I learned rugby, cricket and hockey. The prime motivator for this was our PE Master, Mr Nathan. We were a rare breed. There was one year when our class decided to have a rugby match with another class, and we got special permission to play during school time. It was a memorable game as we played on while it rained. It was rugby in the rain! Following Jesus could also make you a rare breed.
Paul brings us back to the Old Testament where Elijah is told that he is not alone. God has identified a remnant of Godly men who have not bowed to Baal. Following Jesus can be lonely. But God reminds us that we are surrounded by a remnant who are all saved by the grace of God. Yes, human tendency is to rely on good works, and obedience of the laws of God. However, we can never measure up to this standard using human effort. Not even for the children of Abraham. It is only by God's grace that we can be saved. It is only by joining this obscure group of followers of Jesus that you will be saved. Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me."
Father, I am a follower.
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