When I was growing up I learnt to say thank you for everything. But praise was limited. In our family culture you were hardly praised. And so when I became a Christian that started a whole new paradigm. It started with praising God and then praising those around me. It felt good to appreciate everyone. The Psalmist here makes special mention of praise.
Psalms 92:2
To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning,
And Your faithfulness every night,
The Psalmist recognizes the Lord for giving him another day to live. He also thanks God for seeing him through the day. This is so important. We cannot take our days for granted. It could have been worse. God is constantly watching over us. There is an assurance of His continued presence with us. He does not sleep and neither does He require it.
Father, I am grateful and I praise You for who You are and my relationship with You.
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