Do you believe that we came from nothing? That no one had a hand in your existence? That a complex being like you, with the ability to procreate evolved from a less complex being? It is simply amazing that people believe these ideas. But this is not the end of their ideas. They use this to give excuses for "open relationships", gender confusion or diversity, and many other things that assumes that God does not exist, and there are no moral standards.
Psalms 83:18
That they may know that You, whose name alone is the Lord,
Are the Most High over all the earth.
Soon, the above statement in the Bible may be classified as hate speech and deemed treason. However, if you dig deep into the state of the issues playing out, it is strongly influenced by a small few that have the big money to command media, governments and content. This explains the co-existence of liberal groups and faith groups that have differing views on women rights, LGBTQ, creation and many other things. As followers of Jesus, this should not surprise us.
Father, I pray that man will not be deceived by the work of the prince of this world.
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