Yesterday was April fool's day and today is another day. But does it stop the foolishness that many live in? We say things we should not. We do things we should not. We think things we should not. When we engage in things that we should not, are we are being foolish? There are those who cannot accept our hope in God, and they choose to destroy our places of worship.
Psalms 74:3
Lift up Your feet to the perpetual desolations.
The enemy has damaged everything in the sanctuary.
Our God given conscience would say this is wrong. It is wrong to kill innocent people, even if people of that group have been doing wrong against you. There are cultures in the world that still conduct human sacrifices today. This is madness. It can only be influenced by demonic spirits. It makes you foolish.
Our foolishness may not be this extreme, but we need to see it when something is wrong. God only wants good, and man needs to decide to want good. This can only happen when you give your life to God and allow His Holy Spirit to lead your life.
Father, I acknowledge that you are in charge. Take over Father.
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