Remember how in science you had to understand the Animal Kingdom. We had to learn how to classify them vertebrae and non vertebrae, and so on. All created with unique characteristics by the living God. No detail has escaped God. Including how they seek nourishment and reproduce. Man has been able to tame them to a certain extent. But they clearly follow their own "order".
Job 39:27, Does the eagle mount up at your command, And make its nest on high?
In this chapter God uses the illustration of many different animals to demonstrate their unique behavior traits that cannot be dictated by man. It is all designed by God. Do we understand why they behave that way? There are fields of study that continuously research this. But most start their research with the premise of evolution. Sadly, they will never figure out the why. You need to bring God back into the picture.
Is God out of the picture for you? Nothing will make sense. You need Him back. He helps make sense of everything. He created you.
Father, help me start with you for anything complex, including the daily affairs of my life.
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