The buck stops here! You are probably familiar with this statement uttered whenever something goes wrong within an organization. A leader in the organization needs to take responsibility for a mistake or error and the consequences. King David probably found himself in that position many times as king of Israel.
Psalms 3:4, I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill.
His practice was to cry out to God. Those of us in leadership know what it means to deal with something gone wrong. It creates stress, tension in relationships, bad meetings, and others. I have had those many times in the course of my years in professional and ministry leadership. I was in some form of leadership from the age of 12. It has been a journey filled with great success and personal failures. But, I am glad I could do like David. Cry out to Him when trouble strikes from the time I was 14.
Psalms 3:8, Salvation belongs to the Lord.
Your blessing is upon Your people.
God is ready to save me and bless my steps. He is always present to help me get through each situation for His glory. He will take care of it.
Father, I must turn to you every moment to lead well. My human tendencies are going to make me do wrong. I need the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
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